Once upon a time, I had four children under five years old. In those days, some tiny person was always waking me up in the middle of the …
where is the love we need most of all
I logged onto Facebook today and I can’t decide what to be most upset about— what’s happening in the world or what’s happening in our social …
how to have faith when life is different than you expected
Last week, our family spent a quick weekend in Tampa after spending the previous week at a conference in Orlando. I brought a special souvenir home …
how to have faith when life is different than you expectedRead More
how can you know if you have what it takes?
Okay, guys, it's the last week of school for my kids. Every other school district in town has been out since the beginning of time, but my kids still …
cultural phenomenon: why moms hate the last weeks of school
Last August I fired myself as a middle school homeschooling teacher, and we enrolled our three oldest kids in public school. We didn't know if we …
cultural phenomenon: why moms hate the last weeks of schoolRead More
what god expects from you
Raise your hand if your life feels crazy. This how many times I want to raise my hand for that one: On Saturday, our family had four baseball …
dear jesus, please don’t make me internet famous
We laid there in bed, hand in hand, staring up into darkness, at the ceiling we could not see. The silence of the house perched itself on our …
all my feelings re: sending my kids to public school
For the last eight years, all of our kids have been homeschooled. It’s so weird. I didn’t even want to homeschool my kids when they were little. I …
all my feelings re: sending my kids to public schoolRead More
life on the battlefield: falling into worship
"Let them give glory to the Lord and proclaim his praise in the islands. The Lord will march out like a champion, like a warrior he will stir up his …
god’s dream for us is revolution
“Good morning, Revolution: You're the very best friend I ever had. We gonna pal around together from now on.” -Langston Hughes Some …
an advent prayer for the weary parent’s heart
Morgan and I always seem to have these deep parenting talks in the dark of bedtime, when the day is over and dishes are done and we can rest at …
my election night prayer
It's election night and even though it feels like life as we know it is about to end no matter which candidate wins, I keep telling myself that it's …