We laid there in bed, hand in hand, staring up into darkness, at the ceiling we could not see. The silence of the house perched itself on our …
why i’m over building a platform
I’ve been blogging for seven years now. Most of the people who were blogging when I started have either surpassed me in fame and platform numbers, or …
who’s really winning in the conversation about women in leadership
After my son’s baseball game last Saturday, I overheard two of his teammates discussing who would receive the game ball. “You know he’s …
who’s really winning in the conversation about women in leadershipRead More
social skills
It is always so intriguing to watch my children navigate their social world.When they were toddlers, we had those lovely experiences at the bookstore …
women in ministry
It's never easy to do important things. Things that will make the world better, more beautiful, more just, or less devastatingly painful often cost us …