“Our humanity comes to its fullest bloom in giving. We become beautiful people when we give whatever we can give: a smile, a handshake, a kiss, an …
this is why motherhood will make you crazy lovely
"If I give everything I own to the poor and even go to the stake to be burned as a martyr, but I don’t love, I’ve gotten nowhere. So, no matter what I …
being God’s storytellers: prayers that can make you strong
When the angels went away from them into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let us go over to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, …
being God’s storytellers: prayers that can make you strongRead More
life on the battlefield: falling into worship
"Let them give glory to the Lord and proclaim his praise in the islands. The Lord will march out like a champion, like a warrior he will stir up his …
middle-aged mom life is a real thing
When I imagined myself as a mom, it was always as a young mom of very small children. It is a pure shock to me that that stage has ended in many ways …
all the favorites: books & posts from 2016
I really don't know where this year has gone. I had high expectations for 2016 to be something special, because I was turning forty (why are new …
an advent prayer for the weary parent’s heart
Morgan and I always seem to have these deep parenting talks in the dark of bedtime, when the day is over and dishes are done and we can rest at …
how to live a holy life
"A priest is a priest no matter where she happens to be. Her job is to recognize the holy in things and hold them up to God. Her job is to speak in a …
when we watch and pray
Then [Jesus] said to them, “My soul is very sorrowful, even to death; remain here, and watch with me.” And going a little farther he fell on his face …
Glimpses of Glory From Our Trip to South Africa
Morgan and I went to a ministry conference in South Africa last week. I am still sleeping when I‘m supposed to be awake and awake when I’m supposed to …
on finding our purpose in a broken world
“When you do something for someone else, don’t call attention to yourself. You’ve seen them in action, I’m sure—‘playactors’ I call them—treating …
waiting, salvation, and the beauty of blooming late in life
On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there, and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. …
waiting, salvation, and the beauty of blooming late in lifeRead More