Therefore, brothers and sisters, in all our distress and persecution we were encouraged about you because of your faith. For now we really live, …
a letter to summer 2015
Hello Summer 2015,This letter isn't meant to manipulate you or anything, but you need to know: We are counting on you.As children, summer stretched …
finding happiness in the small place of today
Last night I stepped into a hot shower and remembered my daily winter dilemma: I wish I could live in steamy showers and never have to feel cold at …
how to be a missional family
"Go into the world. Go everywhere and announce the Message of God’s good news to one and all. Whoever believes and is baptized is saved; whoever …
a journey of belonging
my brother and me on a family roadtrip 1980As a child, my family drove from the cool California coast to the hot red dirt of Oklahoma every summer. My …
the lesson in loving the brave son
Some children are more complicated to raise. It’s just true. There isn't less love or less grace or more rules or more grace or any difference in the …
5 ways to raise children that love Jesus and His church
I sat with a friend a few weeks ago as our kids ran around playing. We drank coffee and we talked about lots of things, but the part of the …
5 ways to raise children that love Jesus and His churchRead More
some books for your summer reading list
Yesterday I wrote the numbers 1-100 on notebook paper titled "Summer 2014 Book List" and taped them up on the inside of the pantry door. We checked …
5 tactics to lessen the impact of media on your family
It's a beautiful Sunday afternoon. I am in the house washing dishes. I just kissed my husband and oldest son goodbye as they headed to the baseball …
5 tactics to lessen the impact of media on your familyRead More
the case against perfection
"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him …
these are the good old days
So God’s rest is there for people to enter, but those who first heard this good news failed to enter because they disobeyed God. So God set …
because motherhood means birthing destiny
Ten years ago fire burned in my belly and the vice grip of contractions wrung deep moans from my lips.Then in one beautiful moment of agony, with a …