With a week off of pastoral duties, we drive north. We drive through Waco and Dallas, over state borders, past trees and RVs. Barren fields and little …
how a pastor’s family learns to live the gospel
Last night we bundled up our kids, shared some peanut butter and graham crackers, and headed to the church to help with CHI street, our homeless …
when your husband makes you cry
Usually, the message that Mr. Fantastic preaches on Sunday morning isn't exactly news to me. Often, it includes ideas and information that he has …
the whole story
We all have stories; deep stories of need, of joy, of aching darkness, of blinding light.Perhaps no other generation before us has been given so many …
what makes us a spiritual family
I sat on my sofa with a dear friend, a sister in Christ, a fellow co-laborer in the gospel. We talked about spiritual family. The atmosphere of my …
God’s rabbit hole
This Wednesday we will gather with friends and celebrate the birthday of a beloved baby who is waiting for us to meet him in heaven someday.I keep …
memories of Disneyworld
Disneyworld is similar to childbirth. The parents do all the work, pay all that money, and the kids get the exciting ride of their life.After the …
my kids aren’t bored
This summer, my kids aren't bored.In fact, they are too busy fighting over inconsequential things, tattling unimportant news to me, and provoking one …
a letter of apology to our future new car
Dear Future New Car,Allow me to apologize in advance for buying you. I know when you see me saunter up with my stylish husband, you will think we are …
family photos 2013
We have NEVER taken a successful professional family photo.Six years ago when we attempted our first family photo, Boy 3 was six months old and had …
baseball circus
Baseball season has descended upon our family like a circus tent.Every day this week- all seven, to be exact- we have been at the baseball circus, the …
loving a difficult child
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.-1 Peter 4:8If you have ever tried to hug a tornado, handle …