The Bible says that Mary treasured the mysteries about her son Jesus in her heart. I often think of that when I am in the middle of a confusing, …
The Top 10 Ways Parenthood is Ridiculously MysteriousRead More
In: General
The Bible says that Mary treasured the mysteries about her son Jesus in her heart. I often think of that when I am in the middle of a confusing, …
The Top 10 Ways Parenthood is Ridiculously MysteriousRead More
In: General
These days, it seems like anybody can become famous. Backwoods duck call manufacturers, people who can sing "just okay", pretty faces, bad actors, …
ten reasons being a mom is just like being a celebrityRead More
Well, it has been a sorrowful week, hasn't it? So much tragedy in the news, so much more than many of us can handle well.Everyone I know seems to have …
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After becoming a mom, it is pretty evident that the grass was pretty green on the pre-baby side of life.Baby comes and we realize that freedom has …
When I became a Christian at the age of eighteen, I knew very little about the Bible. I knew a few stories, but I didn't know about the Old versus New …
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Moses was a stud. I have even begun to think he would be able to empathize with the plight of motherhood. Particularly the times he was expected to …
Family movie night is one of our favorite indulgences around here. We generally don't watch much television, so when we do, it is a big event. We pop …
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Sometimes, at the end of a long day of homeschooling, I want to crawl under a table and cry. In my heart is a hurricane of emotions, all caused by …
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Being a mom will mess you up. Between the hormones, the guilt, and the sleep deprivation, it can be a rocky road. Every mother has faced a time or two …
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I keep posting on and on about this room remodel we were forced into by a bad storm. But, it has really been a crazy experience, and I still …
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After church on Sunday I stood in the lobby and rocked a two month old baby girl to sleep.Just typing those words sends butterflies aflutter in my …
In: General
I walked into Hobby Lobby today and there were fall decorations everywhere.Boo. The fun of summer is winding down and the dog days of school are …
Do you ever just want to open your arms wide to God and laugh at the way life is completely ridiculous? Carrie’s monthly newsletter provides a chance to grow spiritually through a blend of rich devotional teaching and cultural hot take. It’s solidly grounded in the belief that God is generally in a good mood, and the closer we get to him, the more complete our joy will be.