I am taking a challenge from another blogger to write for five minutes, unedited today not the topic of Perspective. You can read her blog here. Here goes….
Last night we had home group at our house. We all sat and talked at my kitchen table, eating pizza and cookies. Kid-friendly fare ruled for once. Maybe that is why we ended up talking about our childhood memories….
My parents have lived in the same house since I was about six months old. I remember when I couldn’t see the top of their kitchen counters. I remember when the distance from the front door to the back door seemed vast and great. I remember reaching for door knobs; when I could lay in the bath tub and my feet didn’t reach the end; when I had to climb to see out the back window.
It’s not like that now, of course. As an adult, I have new height that changes my perspective. The world is no longer so big inside those walls. Everything that seemed too big or too high seems perfectly sized and placed now.
The thing is, it didn’t change, I did. I grew.
Later on in our discussion time, we talked about how God delays. Unanswered prayers are so confusing, and often seem so misplaced. But we all could point to times when God’s slowness made sense later on.
Those circumstances didn’t change. We did. Time and growth showed us His purpose was not lost, His love never wavered, and His light never dimmed.
So I hold out my hands today, full of needs and hopes and dreams, and I wait for answers. The window to my future is high above my current line of sight. But I know that one day, I will see clearly, and I rest in that joyous trust.
I like the thought – the circumstances didn't change I did. What security to know God doesn't change.
Great descriptions, I can really envision the images of your childhood…made me think about mine–
Oh I did love this! Firstly, it made me think of running down the hall at my grandparent's house, which seemed like forever. But mostly because of the last paragraph.
Visiting here for the first time from Gypsy Mamma's link up. Hi!