I'm currently stringing together a few recent happenings in my life, and the reality has finally hit me: I am basically 15 years old again. Life has …
dear jesus, please don’t make me internet famous
We laid there in bed, hand in hand, staring up into darkness, at the ceiling we could not see. The silence of the house perched itself on our …
how to make fear flee from you
After a long, taxing day, I generally have one of two plans: Get in bed and watch old episodes of Friends or Gilmore Girls while eating chips and …
things that are challenging: parenting in the social media & tech age
I was walking out of the campus ministry conference I spoke at last week, and randomly began speaking with a college student about kids and cell …
things that are challenging: parenting in the social media & tech ageRead More
here are a few ways to be happy
I made crock pot ribs and my favorite chocolate cake recipe for Valentine's Day yesterday, but I forgot to buy one ingredient so I had to run to the …
notes from my sick bed: talking to kids about good and evil
About three weeks ago I was on a plane headed home, and the woman next to me nonchalantly said, "Texas is, like, number 2 in the nation for flu …
notes from my sick bed: talking to kids about good and evilRead More
how to love teenagers
The early years of children are so noisy. Squawks, yells, tattling, and so many words about things like superheroes, dinosaurs, princesses, trains, …
what i think about when i fast and pray
Meanwhile the disciples were urging him, saying, “Rabbi, eat.” But he said to them, “I have food to eat that you do not know about.” So the …
the blessing of believing
My nine-year-old daughter wanted to go to the mall yesterday. We wandered through the shops, not buying much at all, but looking, laughing, …
an update on my (non) book deal: on failing and the trinity
I closed my old, beloved copy of Sense and Sensibility, and got all sappy, rambling on about my favorite authors. "I wonder what Jane Austen was …
an update on my (non) book deal: on failing and the trinityRead More
advent 2017: how to cultivate a deep christmas
We walked through Target, shopping for a few random things on a list. “Mama, for Christmas, can you wrap up a box of Cocoa Krispies for me?” my …
this one’s for all the pastor’s wives
It happened again, just the other day. Someone came to compliment me on a sermon I preached, and after I thanked them for their kind words they asked …