Dear Jude, Jack, Jase and Finley,
Below I have listed ten things I wish I could tell you. Please use this information for good, not evil. These are secrets to life that cannot be explained by moi, for one reason or another. Some secrets I can’t tell you because I would be leading you to a loophole that would undermine my authority. Others are truths that I try to explain, but are really learned in the heart, not in the mind. God seems to think we all need to find that path on our own.
Here’s my list:
10. I hate any and all confrontation with you. I know it has a purpose and is necessary for your development and my sanctification. Even so, I like happy days when we all agree. In fact, if you never argue with me again, I will buy each of you a puppy, or a pony, or a race car. Your choice.
9. The kids at school/church/the playground who are not nice may one day figure it out and be your friend. Be patient with them. Someday you may need them.
8. You can do hard things. In fact, it’s good for you to face a blazing fire or two every once in a while. Learn to love the burn, baby.
7. I have a confession: sometimes I secretly eat chocolate when you are in another room. I know it isn’t fair. I think it would be mean to eat it in front of you, though, so it’s really a sneaky sacrificial act of love. That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it.
6. The truth about dinner is, if you would smile at me, eat only one bite of the vegetables I serve you, and then eat everything else on your plate, I would be so happy. Sigh….
5. Fights can be worked out, but it will take some humility in both hearts involved. You will need humility to have a good life, so you might as well start embracing it now. (By the way, humility is one of those mountains I mentioned in #8….)
4. Little three year-old, I don’t actually care if my you sleep or not during nap/rest time. If you would just be quiet in your room for forty-five minutes, that would be just fine with me.
3. There is no power so precious, no possession so valuable, no achievement so glorious as the love you four can give one another. You are siblings for a reason. You need one another in ways you can’t see now. Handle one another with care.
2. I love you a lot. God loves you at least a million times more than I do. Run to Him.
1. I know I am not a perfect mom. But you are young and still think I am close to perfect. When the day comes that you see me for what I really am, remember that my victories are only because of Jesus, and my failures are evidence of my great need for Him. Really and truly, I have always tried my best for you, because you are my most precious assignment from God.
Carrie, I get the feeling that the moment I turn up pregnant I'm going to run to your blog and read every post. 🙂
I like this post. I have not figured out what I want my sons to know, or maybe the list is too long but we have actually had number 9 happen. She decided it would just be better to be friends, that was nice.
Oh, that is nice! I love when wisdom comes easily for my children. It helps balance out all those moments that I wonder if they will understand before they are parents themselves! 🙂
Brenna, I am cracking up at your phrasing of "turn up pregnant". Ha ha ha ha! You are awesome.
"My victories are only because of Jesus & my failures are evidence of my great need for Him."Love this! Love & prayers, in Jesus, Cynthia
Thanks, Cynthia! I'll take all the prayers I can get for sure! 🙂 Praying for you to have a blessed day!