But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. -2 Corintians 12:9
Once when I was still a wee teenager, I saw this guy who was a quarterback for a rival school. You could tell he threw right-handed because his right bicep and tricep were about, oh, about 10 times more developed than his left. His left arm looked totally normal- until you saw his right arm. And vice versa.
The sight is burned in my memory as one of the freakiest things I ever saw. Please note I am writing about it in a blog almost twenty years later when you imagine this boy’s arms. When I say freaky, I mean freaky. Was it that his throwing arm was so strong, or that his other arm was so wimpy? Not sure. But I do know that his strength in one arm highlights his weakness in the other arm. I also know that it makes me queasy to think about it now. Totally a heeby jeebies kind of thing.
I only mention this because I am facing a similar sight in my own character. I am a pretty laid back person on any given day. I don’t make lofty goals, I like variety, and I am not generally afraid of risk. These characteristics have been vital in my life as a mom of four small children and as a wife of a fast-paced, over-achieving husband. I just sort of skip along through life, changing diapers, handing out gummies and hosting parties at my house. I like this life. It is always interestingly varied and very fulfilling.
That would be my strong arm you’re looking at.
However, as a result of that ever-changingness of my daily life mixed with my love of drama, I also often live thinking about two hours or three days ahead of today. It sort of looks like this: The naps missed today will make tomorrow more difficult and tomorrow is an important day of some sort so I am doomed! The snacks I have in the pantry will not please all of my children when we go to the park, but there is no time to go to the store- will there be a small emotional fall-out or an atomic emotional bomb? I have laundry that needs folding before so-an-so comes over tonight and no time to fold it. There is a child’s party in three days, how will I buy a present without letting the selfish and greedy two-year-old see? Will the four-year-old wear a sweater if the temperature drops or will I be the mom scolded by every grandmother on my way in to Target? Are there clean towels for the guests coming tomorrow? Is it going to rain now, since I promised the kids we would go to the pool after school? For goodness sake, someone just used the bathroom and missed the potty completely and there is someone knocking on the front door and the baby is running into the potty to see what all the excitement is about!! Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! Oh- and what on earth am I making for dinner?????
Weak arm.
It seems life has given me work that requires two strong arms. Hmm…..
There are a few things I can think of to relieve this stress and make myself more comfortable. I could sell a child or two. The ones I keep would know, though and would never trust me again, thereby ruining all four children’s lives, so that one is out. I could hire a live-in cook, housekeeper and nanny.
Right. And we could all live together in a cardboard box. I can feel the stress melting away now!
Or maybe, just maybe, I could strengthen my weak arm.
I could put aside worry. I could let my strength remind me that today’s troubles will be tomorrow’s memories. I could laugh in the face of a messy house and hug my children when they scream with frustration and then calmly dole out the consequences. I could entrust my family to God and believe that what I have to give them today will be enough- just like a couple of fish and a few loaves of bread fed thousands in the past.
I could even give myself some character “workouts”. I could take the kids out on a walk with no agenda or plan and have an adventure. I could allow people in my imperfect house and not apologize for the Cheerios on the floor and the crayon marks on the wall. I could tell myself every morning that I am not responsible for making everything easy on everyone around me and let God come through when I fail. God is going to be God whether I acknowledge it or not, so I might as well enjoy the not-so-fringe benefits my faith affords me and find peace in Him.
I will enjoy today while it is still today. Tomorrow will have troubles of its own, but they are a world away from this moment I have now. I think I will leave them there. Good grief, that feels good to my soul.
right there with ya. busy worrying about the week ahead… but instead of preparing tonight we jumped in the car, got hot chocolate and looked at christmas lights – and kept the kids out past bedtime… which will likely affect their schedule tomorrow… oops, there I go again. 😉
PS – Ryder talked about you & Jack tonight when he took his medicine. 🙂
In the eloquent words of 4 yr old Judah to daddy last week…"You need to lighten up." LOL. Wisdom from that little boy! We try so hard because we care about our husbands and kids. My favorite verse takes care of all that: Philippians 4:6
Enjoy your day!