I asked the Baby Lady if she new what Easter was all about. She didn’t.
And so we began at the beginning. I sing the questions, she sings the answers to me.
Who made you?…. God.
What else did God make?…. God made all things.
Why did God make you and all things?…. For His own glory.
How can you glorify God?…. By loving Him and doing what He commands.
Why are you to glorify God?…. Because He made me and takes care of me.
We sing these questions and answers to remind ourselves of what is true. That all people fell with Adam. We remind our hearts that we are born separated from the God who loves us, and we cannot fix that ourselves.
We need a savior.
And so we continue, singing the catechism until we get to the best part:
How then can you be saved?…. By the Lord Jesus Christ, through the covenant of grace.
Whom did Christ represent in the covenant of grace?…. His elect people.
How could Christ suffer?…. Christ, the Son of Man, became a man, so that He could obey and suffer in our place.
For whom did Christ obey and suffer?… For all whom God the Father gave to Christ.
We sing holy truth, thankful for this CD. Thankful for the sacrifice made on the cross that brings us back to a holy God.
Thankful for a God who wants us to belong to Him.
I watched some junior high students pass my house on their walk home from school yesterday. There was a girl hanging on a boy, like they belonged to each other. But they don’t. I remembered that raw feeling from my youth. Wanting to belong. Looking for a safe place in a socially unstable place.
I think of how far God has brought me. I hope my daughter finds the path of grace sooner in life than I did.
I look at my little Baby Lady, and I ask her the most important questions a three year-old can know the answer to:
Who loves you?… Mama and Daddy.
Who loves you even more?…. God.
The seed of the gospel has begun to sprout in her heart. May it grow into a tree of righteousness. May God help us teach her to tend her soul well.