Well, we did it. We bought a house this week. I can’t begin to list all of the reasons it is amazing that this has happened. Just trust me. M-I-R-A-C-L-E.
It is a new, old house, with big beautiful trees in the yard and quirky twists and turns in it’s nice old bones. The previous owners built it 30 or so years ago, and raised their three children in it. It is a home that has been loved. We plan to continue that tradition.
There are many, many reasons I hope to be there forever- or at least until I have grandchildren.
First of all, we have moved six times in the past ten years. It will be my son Jase’s fifth house. He is a poor, little, nomadic four year old.
Secondly, (this is the obvious one) I am tired of packing. Unpacking is, of course, even worse. I honestly think all homes should be sold furnished, with junk drawers full and piles of random mail left on the counter just to avoid this insanity.
Thirdly, it is a cute little house, and it needs us to love it. It makes Morgan kind of crazy, but when I look at houses I want desperately to find one I can make better, more beautifully unique and interesting. I can do that here. So, I guess I need the house as much as it needs me.
In reality, I know it is not actually our Forever House. I know that it is a stopping point in our journey in this world. Earth is simply a place to lay our heads at night for a season. One day we will go to the true Forever House and meet the God who created us, and our little homes will be a faded memory from the past.
My prayer, though, is that we will make the most of the time we have in our homes and that the Forever God would find our homes to be devoted to Him and His glory. I think that would make houses made of wood and stone and metal, which can rot and decay, worthy of the name Forever House. That is a life I can hold onto when heaven seems too far away, and the road looks too long on our journey. There is hope for the weary in a life lived for His glory. Home is found in the choice to trust Him with our forever. As they say, home is where your heart is, and our hearts are meant to be with Him.
Congrats Carrie! I love this blog and I can't wait to see you're new home!