Love is invincible facing danger and death.
Passion laughs at the terrors of hell.
The fire of love stops at nothing—
it sweeps everything before it.
Flood waters can’t drown love,
torrents of rain can’t put it out.
Love can’t be bought, love can’t be sold—
it’s not to be found in the marketplace.
-Song of Solomon 8:6-8 (the Message)
Years ago, Mr. Fantastic and I walked through several months in which some marriages around us sort of crumbled. Some of them were washed away by the flood waters of infidelity. At the time I was pregnant, and a pregnant woman can be insecure. I remember pressing him with the question, “What will keep us from ending up like that?” I will never forget how he replied.
“I can’t really promise I know exactly how it will be in twenty years. But I do know that I have woken up every day of our marriage with the intent to be faithful to you, I plan to do that tomorrow, and for all of our tomorrows after.”
Wow. All I had asked of him when we got engaged was occasional pedicures and expensive gourmet coffee. But I knew I was marrying a good man, and there were many benefits that came with that.
Eleven years ago this Saturday I made a great choice and married someone I loved and who I knew loved God more.
In a world full of empty promises, we filled our vows with our fear of the Lord and that has made all the difference. We are not the only ones committed to making this marriage work. There are three of us fighting for it.
God has mediated our arguments, greased the wheels of our stubbornness, and shown us the blessing of obedience in difficult times. All so we could learn the value of love.
Real love cannot be bought or sold. It cannot be found using science or even a really good map. True love is born in the mysterious place of the human soul. Loving myself made me feel happy once upon a time. Loving others has made me whole. There is no substitute for the real thing.
If anyone out there is looking for real love today, look to God first. His love is like a neon arrow pointing to the people of the world telling us to love them for Him. To give love and be loved in return is a great blessing. To give love and receive nothing in return is to know better what it was like to die for love. What an honor to draw near to Jesus in that way.
Love God’s people today and fill tomorrow with faithful intentions. Maybe enjoy a pedicure and a mocha, too. I can’t imagine a sweeter way to spend our years together.