My friend Beth is in the middle of a life storm. And it’s a doozy. She gave birth to a precious baby who is fighting for his life in the NICU.
Gibson’s whole story is on Beth’s blog if you would like to read it. And if your heart is moved to help them out, there is a fund set up to help with the crazy hospital bills that accompany a storm of this nature here.
Mr. Fantastic and I went to the hospital the night Gibson was born. Because it was a little crazy, we didn’t get to see Beth or Gibson. But being there was a blessing for us; we love our friends and I think I would have gone crazy sitting at home while they faced such a mountain.
Tonight, though, we are planning to go to Dell Children’s Hospital and meet the warrior baby.
There is so much in my heart for that little guy, that I feel a need to write it out, put it into a prayer and fly hope and Jesus over him like a banner.
So here goes:
Dear Mighty Gibson,
You are a gift. I have watched and prayed and heard and seen your mama and daddy open faith and hope as they have welcomed you into their family.
There is an army of people you have not met yet who are standing with them. Our hands are raised to heaven, praising God in the storm as you fight for your life. We all love you and are looking forward with joy to the day you are able to come home.
There are innumerable lives that have been touched already by the story of your gentle yet mighty way of beating the odds. Your strength seems unassuming and humble, and it has caused all of us to marvel at the greatness of God.
And for that, sweet boy, we thank you.
Your daddy is a rock. He stands at the helm of your family’s ship with courage and patience. He is full of quiet, determined strength that trusts in God. When you look in his eyes, let his courage into your heart, strengthening your resolve to fight on.
Your mama is a rock star. Enjoy every snuggle with her. She is choosing joy in the middle of her battle. Breathe deep the love she has for you. Let it down in your soul, relish and enjoy its blessing. May it make your brave heart braver.
Listen to the laughter of Ryder and Paisley when they come to see you. You have a fun crew of siblings awaiting your homecoming. Their love and friendship will be a treasure and reward to you when the storm is through.
Gibson, you are God’s precious heir, full of destiny and purpose. Already we see God’s glory shining forth from your life, and for every beautiful moment, as your mama would say, we choose thankfulness.
I can’t wait to see your cute little face and pray over you in person. We will raise up a banner of hope, health, and God’s great faithfulness over you. God has great things planned for you, and I am grateful that I get to witness it all.
See you tonight, Gibson!
Thank you, Carrie, for your sweet words of encouragement to my family. And, for all the other ways you have supported Daniel and Beth during this crazy time. I mentioned this wonderful support system at Beth and Kristen's baby shower but I had no idea at the time how much it would be needed…..or how much I would appreciate it.
Really and truly I am learning more and more these days what a privilege it is to be able to reach out and just "be there" for our friends. There is a joy that can't be found any other way. It's as if one opportunity to love rolls into another and the blessing of friendship is overwhelming. It's just so awesome.