Twelve years ago today I stood beside the greatest man I know and promised forever.

I look out the rear window of our twelve years of marriage, and the memories flood my heart with God’s love and goodness.
I remember the day he got on one knee and asked me to belong to him for all my days.
I remember the joyfully awkward lessons of life as newlyweds.
I remember finding grace for him and for myself in our weaknesses as God taught us of His love.
I remember so. much. love.
I remember the blessing of unexpected children, the joy and exhaustion as baby after baby came our way.
I remember following him to Tennessee when his diligence and excellence opened doors and gained him favor.
I remember wondering if we would ever go back to Austin.
I remember the bittersweet day we did move back to Austin.
I remember hiding in God’s presence as he built God’s church.
I remember wondering if our love had peaked, and if our sweetest years were already behind us.
I remember deep blue eyes learning to see me in new ways.
I remember learning to be loved more deeply, more fully, than I had ever expected.
I remember gratitude pouring a new foundation in our souls.
I peer into the past and I see two people who seldom deserved one another, but continually benefitted by the blessing of loyalty, humility, and faithfulness God called us to live out.
I see a love we could not have created on our own.
I see a marriage we could not support by our own character.
I see a God who delights in making much of the little we lay at His feet.
Twelve years of marriage have passed like a rushing, mighty river of love beside this road we walk together.
Many times, in days of joy and days of pain, I have gathered its water in my hands and tasted its beauty and grace.
God has done great things for us, and worthy is His name.

Happy Anniversary, Mr. Fantastic. I’m so very in love with you. The best is yet to come.