Where, oh where, did 2012 go?
Mr. Fantastic and I have been chronicling our favorite memories and moments with our friends and family. These last few lazy days of the holiday season have me in a melancholy, awe-filled mood.
I am rambling through the most popular burnt toast posts of 2012, grateful for all the moments God has brought me through and taught me through this year.
Here they are below, feel free to poke around and read a bit too. It is apparent that lists of ten are a big hit, which I find interesting. I will have to do more of those in 2013.
Thank you for reading this blog, for coming alongside me on my journey with God. I write with a prayer behind my hands, that what I write would be His words first.
I am grateful for every email, comment, and message I have received from people about how God has used a post from burnt toast to help them along their own road with Him.
May 2013 be flooded with God’s greatness to you, and may you proclaim His mighty acts for all to hear.
Happy, happy New Year!
Top Parenting Posts:
ten things I wish I could tell the pre-mom me
ten regrets at the end of a homeschool day
ten things I don’t miss about babies
Top Marriage Posts:
the post your husband wants you to read
proverbs 31: making space for a man
Top Ministry Posts:
ten realities about being a pastor’s wife
the trap of ministry (or: can you love the bride of Christ too much?)