Three boys on three different baseball teams has kept us running from field to field for weeks now.
One more game and we are done. As relieved as I am, my mind can’t help but trail back through the days and nights and see all that God has done.
Boy 1 stood tall and strong when faced with bullying. He grew up a lot on that field this year, and as much as my mama’s heart wants to shield him from hard lessons, he bore great weight with grace and truth, earning the respect of many people, including his parents.
For a while, Boy 2 struggled a little to get a hit at the plate. All the coaches and parents cheered for him and hoped for him, but he struck out again and again.
Perseverance paid off when he ended the season with an inside the park home run last night. His team mobbed him, other parents bragged to Mr. Fantastic about how well Boy 2 had done.
With all the logistic complications, God sent us a dear family with sons on two of our boys’ teams that saved us many times when we couldn’t be in two or three places at one time. I will be forever grateful for them.
All of my children gained friends and learned to entertain themselves at the ball fields while their sibling(s) played and practiced. Our whole family learned to love one another more than ourselves, go when we wish we could stay, and be true to what is right and good.
Baseball is winding down, and so is our family. We are ready for lazy days together, family movie nights, long hours at the pool, and all the joys that summer brings.
Goodbye crazy baseball season. See you next year.