There really is a great deal of lack around us. It is easy in this highly developed first world nation to miss the vast need for Christ.
But recently I heard about some children here in Central Texas who need a family. The children are currently in the hospital. They will require ongoing medical care.They were treated in ways that children should never be treated by people who are supposed to love them.
There are many more like them.
This world is a tangled up mess that can be hidden behind our pretty streets, well-fed stomachs, and busy schedules.
We may be the closest thing to Jesus someone sees today. If we don’t hide from the sad realities of a fallen world, we can bring more Christ, more love, more goodness into the world.
May our lives be God’s road this week, carrying His love, truth, and grace to those who are in need.
May lonesome stretches of the day cause us to cling to Him and to reach out to others.
May the steps we take be worthy of His sacrifice and filled with His joy.
May His glory fill the world, changing lives, righting wrongs, and transforming cultures.
Someday Jesus will return to wipe away every tear and put an end to all the pain.
Until then, may He use us mightily.
Have a great week, friends!