There’s a book I’m trying to write, this blog takes effort and focus, I spoke at another church’s moms’ Bible study last week, and next weekend I am speaking at a college retreat.
There are six loads of laundry that refuse to fold themselves and everyone in this family seems determined to eat three meals each day, plus snacks and desserts.
I teach Spanish at the kids’ school this Monday and still have to homeschool three days this week, as usual.
I am helping to plan a baby shower for a friend, and birthday parties for my sons.
Four books have my mind craving time to read, and four kids and one man have my heart craving time to just sit and be.
All the while, I have been feeling sick and I can’t seem to kick it with regular medicine, so I am trying homeopathic and natural cures.
My heart is full of gratitude for the challenge and blessing of illness- it seemed weird until I traced the joy back to its source. There I found this thought:
I have never faced a difficult season without knowing God better on the other side of it. Exhaustion, fear, illness, failure, pain, offense, and sorrow have all drawn me closer to Jesus.
Why should this be any different?
I’m simply making lemonade. Life gives me the lemons, and love sweetens the deal. I just have to keep juicing those sour circumstances and trusting God.
It’s all going to end up delicious someday. I’m pretty sure this is the best year we have ever had, and these lemons are top notch.