“Jesus knew that the hour had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved His own who were in this world, He loved them to the end.” -John 13:1
It’s Friday, Love.
It’s Friday, right in the middle of July, when the nights are warm and fireflies transform backyards into wonderlands.
The hard week is done, and the sorrows and struggles we faced on Monday are either gone or just a little different now. We have made it through five more days of this crazy world.
The trail ahead leads far off to unseen places. It may be steep and rocky or it may be smooth and easy or it may terrifyingly beautiful, but the days ahead will prove its value.
Wherever He leads us, He is loving us to the end.
On this glorious and ordinary summer Friday, we have the chance to climb inside that love. We can open the pages of His living word and remember all the amazing ways grace has saved us.
We can remember His grace as we swing on a rope into a lake, sit on the porch with a cold Coke, laugh at the kids as they tun through sprinklers, eat something fabulous and fresh off the grill, watch a movie marathon, take in a nice long baseball game, and most of, we can hold the people we love close this weekend and remind them they are loved forever, too.
May all the goodness Friday brings seep into our bones and remind us of His greatness in us, to us, and for us.
Happy weekend, dear friends. Let’s make it a good one.