Well, this is the final week of our discussion of Interrupted by Jen Hatmaker. I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have.
I truly believe that the health and success of God’s Church is in our hands as we steward our own lives. As I read this section of the book, I kept thinking about that little rhyme we said as children. Remember how we would hold our hands and make a little church saying, “Here is the church, here is the steeple, open the doors, and here are the people.”? Then we opened our hands and our fingers wiggled around? Or if we put our fingers on the outside, we would have an empty church and say, “where are the people?” when we opened up the doors.
This book had been a “what can I do about the question, ‘Where are the people?'” catalyst in my Tuesday night group. It’s thrilling to keep exploring that together.
A lot of churches are looking around asking where the people are, and their best hope for their congregations lies in the position of their members’ hearts to live on mission. There is a high call for every believer, to let Jesus work through our lives to seek and save the lost. People are seeking peace, hope, and purpose, and the gospel offers them all of that and more.
May we be a people who go in love. May we be a people God uses to heal a hurting world. May we be worthy of the label Christ follower, and may our churches become places of great influence in our cities.
Jesus is the hope of the world, and the church is the love of His life. Open the doors, go into the world, and make disciples, because there are all the people.
What do you need most from God? Do you think that living on mission, taking the lower place and serving those around you can become the doorway to healing, favor, breakthrough, or deliverance for you? If so, what is your plan, how will you proceed from here?