These are the kinds of conversations happening in my home these days:
Conversation #1:
Me: Why are you wearing your brother’s underwear?
Boy: There’s no clean underwear. I’ve been wearing these for three days.
Me: You’ve been wearing dirty underwear that doesn’t fit you for THREE DAYS?
Boy: Yep.
Conversation #2:
Morgan: What’s for dinner?
Me: I don’t know. I have no plan. Too many baseball, ballet, gymnastics, and church meetings. We are practically nomads who rely on the kindness of fast food establishments for sustenance.
Conversation #3:
Me: I can’t find my phone. Maybe I left it at the wedding Sunday?
Morgan: No, I think you left it at the restaurant.
Me: I didn’t even have it out at the restaurant. We were on a date, so I left it in my purse.
Morgan: Yes, you did. Remember? We were synching schedules while we ate.
Me: We are so romantic.