So, maybe following Jesus is a little bit like painting yourself into a corner.
Because maybe we get addicted to trusting Him against all odds. Stupid faith makes for solid ground and we pick up a bucket of a ridiculous color of neon yellow or pink, put our heads down and we just. start. painting.
This King who became a baby majors in the miraculous and I am a woman who cannot get enough of putting her hand out to help the poor, heal the broken, and hope for greatness to rise up from the ashes of burnt toast and a life poured out at the feet of Jesus.
No, it’s not enough to make it through the day. It’s not enough to be comfortable and know that heaven comes to those who wait.
I am a glory hunter and my head can’t rest on my pillow at night because I want to see His face shining down on His children.
Care to pick up an arrow and a bow and hunt with me?
Yesterday a great man reminded me that it is okay if life drags us along a bit. It’s alright if we are standing in a corner and the color we painted on the ground looks a little too bright and maybe a little too full of a hope and that no one will really understand.
And if our arms feel weak and tired, well, that just comes with the territory of reaching out to a lost world and trying to be the hands and feet of Christ.
Glory hunters get weary, but we never give up.
That great man of God said it and I knew it was truer than true: “If it doesn’t make sense, that’s because life isn’t about you.”
Comfort and understanding are for a later day. This is the place of faith and peace that pass our knowledge and understanding.
Here, we hunt God’s glory. We sit in the corner of his presence and we rake the our souls clean of sin and selfishness. Then we plant His words of faith. Our carefully tended hearts grow to be oaks of righteousness.
We climb up in that beautiful tree and shower the world with arrows of gospel love and infinite light- and we hunt for glory.
Our arrows hit their targets and the skies light up with fireworks. Nothing is ever the same again when God reigns over all, in all, and through all.
Aren’t you and I proof of that? Don’t we remember that we walked in darkness until the day He sent light and birthed His Son inside our souls?
Send out the arrows. Love God with your whole heart. Lay down your life for your friends. Help the needy. House the orphan. Love your neighbor. Dream of the Kingdom reigning in your city, and let it rule your heart.
We are glory hunters, and we will paint the city red with the blood of Jesus.
Make no mistake about it. This life is all about Jesus, and we aren’t going to miss out on one moment of it.