“In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands. And his commands are not burdensome, for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.”
-1 John 5:3-4
Today I can’t get these words out of my mind. God wants to set us free.
We can stifle the dream that burns deep within us to live freely. We can shackle it with legalism, gag it with insecurity, or lock it in a closet of our soul while we say there is no hope to be more than we already are.
And we can live on like that until the day we face our Lord and give an account for our lives.
Or we can let His Kingdom come in our lives as it is in heaven.
It’s all about priorities, really.
Do we need comfort, possessions, beauty, food, success, our addictions, the esteem of others, or the secure blanket of self-pity more than we need His resurrection?
Or can we exalt Him above all of that and say that nothing matters more than living sacrificial love, dying to our own need, and leaving anything behind that hinders us from following Him.
If we will exalt Him to the highest place in our lives, He will exalt us above our sin. We can rise above a life that is satisfied with being less than redeemed, and He can set us free.
God’s love isn’t a warm fuzzy blanket; it’s a fire that burns glorious brilliance to light the world wih glory.
God’s love bears us and births us into His Kingdom. And like a newborn baby, we are pure and free in His loving arms.
The burning in my own soul for freedom, it longs for more of that kind of love.
A love like that is worth living for with every ounce of my being, my focus, and my strength.
The greatest commandment seems less burdensome with His love burning so brightly in my heart like this.
And it echoes on within me: “In fact this is love for God….”