Aren’t books wonderful? I am reading so many wonderful new and old books, I can’t not tell the world. The stack on my bedside table is sky-high, and they call to me with their siren song on the chilly Fall days. I’ve listed out my current reads below, and all the cold weather can start now so I can get under a furry blanket with some cocoa and lose myself in the pages.
But I’m always looking for my next must-read. What are you reading this Fall? What book do you think everyone should read because it stuck in your head and in your heart and made you into something new? Don’t leave a girl scrounging for books. Leave your favorites in the comments!!
1. Vango and A Prince Without a Kingdom. These are super fun adventure/historic fiction YA Lit set in the pre-WW2 era. The story line is complex, and my middle schooler couldn’t keep up very well, but in a couple of years my boys will love this series as much as I did.
2. The Paris Wife. I read this historic fiction about Ernest Hemingway and his first wife a couple of months ago, and it has stayed with me. I want to read it again already.
3. Little Women. Nothing feels cozier on a windy Fall evening than this book, a fire, and a cup of cocoa. I know new books are delicious, but there’s a reason classics are classics. Little women is like the joy of Christmas in a book, and the adorable cover art on this version is so happy I can hardly bear it.