If you look closely you will see me there, in the reflection of her glasses, taking her picture.
Someday she will be out in the great big world, taking hold of the dreams God has for her.
But even then I will be there if you look closely enough. My strengths and weaknesses will help to shape who she is to become. The love and lessons I give to her will shine back at the world through her life.
The life of faith launches the gospel into the future.
I parent by faith, trusting that these lessons of faith, love, and submission to the God who made them will carry them through the difficult days and sweeten the good ones.
I serve and love my husband by faith, trusting that the mutual submission we both live out will create healthy heart soil for love to grow and flourish as the years pass.
I obey my God by faith, waiting for the day that I will approach His throne, undeservingly awarded with His righteousness through His victory.
Always, my faith touches those around me and is carried by them to those they touch. Examine my own faith and you will find ties to many lives from my past and from history. None of us has arrived here alone.
This is how He builds His Kingdom: one life taking one step of faith at a time.