Pinterest is so pretty, isn’t it.
Pretty crafts, pretty houses, pretty quotes, pretty people.
Pinterest is also so full of tips.
Tips on mothering, tips on crafting, tips on eating, tips on exercising.
But today, not one thing my kids did could ever be made into a Pin. Most days, in fact, we are a mess of activity and spirit, and very little of any of it is Pin-worthy.
I was deeply struck with the thought that for ages, people have done all sorts of things that were neither pretty nor tip-ful. There was a time that people just lived their lives. Crazy, huh?
I kind of want to do that, too, and leave all this pinterrific perfection curbside.
Here are 10 ways my kids stay busy that would never make a popular Pin. Some are old-school things I did as a kid, and that my kids love. Some are survival skills I have developed on crazy homeschool days. All of them are awesome, and I’m always looking for more, so tell me all about the fun, imperfect activities your family loves…
10. Catch a grasshopper for the day. Grab a plastic container from the recycling bin and tell the kids to go catch a grasshopper. Let them bring the grasshopper inside, name it, and let it jump around every once in a while. If someone steps on it, get a new one. Repeat. Your kids will be busy all. day. long.
9. Paint rocks with old nail polish. Get all your old nail polish, hand it to your children, shoo them into the yard to find rocks and paint them in the grass. (Be specific about the painting location). Then go have another cup of coffee while you decide where they will be allowed to display their new works of art.
8. Scrounge your own lunch. This is my new favorite. I’m a short-order cook most days, so I decided that this summer, all summer, the school-age kids can get their own lunches. I also empowered them to think of options on their own when they started treating me like a menu, “What should I have for lunch??” I affirmed their super-smartness, and suggested they take a look in the pantry for things they usually eat for lunch. (I know, I’m so smart too!) What they make on their own could never, ever be tweeted or Pinned for public viewing, but they ate and I didn’t have to fix it.
7. Outline a child on butcher block paper. Even though this would make the most boring pin on the planet, my Lady would do this every single day. She likes to draw her clothes and hair and jewelry onto the life-size tracing of herself. We basically have an army of these beauties now because, seriously: Every. Single. Day.
6. Dance party in the kitchen. I don’t know why the kitchen is the best place for a dance party, but it is. Maybe it’s because in the living room they jump on the sofa, and in the bedroom they dive into the crowd off the bunkbed. Dance parties with small children are very healing if you are intimidated by dancing in public, because your kids will think every move you make is amazing. Your tormented middle school years are practically erased when a seven year old yells, “Mom, you’re the best dancer EVER!!!”
5. Spray them with the hose (AKA “Summer Bath”). This started when we lived in Nashville, and I had to hand-water my hydrangeas every day. One day they yelled, “Spray us!” and I did. They loved it. Bonus #1: It’s really fun for the sprayer, too. Bonus #2: The kids get clean and worn out all at one time. Pin that, baby!
Jude took over while I took the photo. |
4. Family walk. Back before Facebook and smartphones, back when someone “pinning” something was either sewing a quilt or going to prom with a giant corsage, we would strap the babies into the stroller and just walk. The night air seemed to breathe new life into my weary head, and Mr. Fantastic and I would chat about our days. Now, there are boys zipping ahead of us on bikes and scooters, and a little lady on a tricycle, but otherwise, the experience is exactly the same. Family walks make life seem meaningful, richer, and sweeter.
3. Mandatory outside play. I realize that the word “mandatory” isn’t particularly PC, but when your kids are home all day, there are times you just need them to be a little “less home”. I have been called mean for escorting them outside with a bucket of sidewalk chalk, bubbles, a shovel, and a basketball. Then they start playing and laughing and I realize, being a mean mom like this is a gift to them. Bonus: I get to sneak some chocolate and take at least twenty deep breaths- maybe even try one of those yoga sequence relaxation Pins I’ve been avoiding.…
Poor kids, forced to play outside…. |
2. 25 books in Mama’s bed. When I am old and grey, the memory of all four of my children in my big bed, surrounded by pillows and blankets, while I read to them will be one of my happiest memories. Sometimes we read chapter books, but often they want me to read the books that they loved when they were little. Always, I am so glad we took the time to cozy up.
My bookworms. |
1. Races up the street and back. Our neighbors probably think we are crazy, but every so often, I take the kids into the street and make them race me. Boys get so jumpy and hyper and crazy when they’re cooped up with math and history. But then they run a few races and it’s like they become human again. Amazingly, so do I….